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Notarikon dành cho Google Chrome

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Đánh giá Softonic

Create Roshei Teivos with Notarikon

Notarikon is a Chrome add-on developed by Maor-Lamp that allows users to create Roshei Teivos, or acronyms, for their phrases. With this app, you can easily generate meaningful acronyms for any given word or phrase.

Using Notarikon is simple. Just enter a word or phrase, such as "בראשית" (in the beginning), and click "go". The app will generate six text-boxes, each representing a subsequent letter of the phrase. You can then fill in the text-boxes with words that fit the corresponding letters, creating a meaningful acronym.

For example, you could enter "בן ראשון אחר שלושים יום תפדה" (a son, first after thirty days, redemption) as the words for each letter of the phrase "בראשית". This feature can be particularly useful for creating memorable mnemonics or finding creative ways to remember important information.

Notarikon is a free add-on under the category of Browsers and the subcategory of Add-ons & Tools. It provides a handy tool for those who want to create meaningful acronyms for their phrases, making it easier to remember and recall information.

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Notarikon dành cho Google Chrome

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